Monday 21 November 2011


Environemntal degration

Ecologically ‘pollution’ can be defined as the environemntal degradation and decline on account of excessive production of pollutants by irrational activities of human beings including unsystematic industrilization, urbanization, deforestation, unscientific cultivation, overgrazing and unplanned road constructions. Such activities carry fatal effect on nature lead to ecysystem disturbances, and finally depletion of ozone.
Disturbances in ecosystem results in severe consequences for the pyramid of food chain, whereas depletion of ozone refers to harmful atmosphere, biosphere and thin stratosphere for not adequately being able to absorb ultraviolet rays which easily causes lethal health hazards like-skin cancer, eye-cataracts, and effect on nervous system,cardiac, bronchitis, asthma, acid rainfall and so forth leading to potential extermination of species or life endangerment on this planet altogether with global warming.
There are many of major sources of pollutants around us are factories, industries, petrochemicals, refineries, explosions, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and paper distilleries. Apart from them, such common sources of pollution problems are machines, fumes, wastages, falling trees,dirts, slag-heaps, chimneys, piled scrap-iron, mines explosion, bomb explosion, foul canals, over-pitched sound, random disposal of wastages, use of insecticides and pesticides, mixing drainage in the water resources, unnecessary horns, off-loading from vehicles. Moreover, serious contribution to human being to pollution is green house gas emission through too much us of fuel. Artificial chemicals like CFCs (Chloro Fluro Carbons, methane and lethane. 
There are of four sorts of pollution—air, water, noise, and soil. Our lives without air specifically pure oxygen, soil, and water is out of imagination. Noise pollution causes mankind deaf that is a incomplete life. That’s why, each human of this planet including Nepal is completely responsible for lessening pollution by adopting some fundamental preventive measures of solution for example systematic compilation, disposal and incineration of garbage, re-utilising, re-cycling or mentainance of old machines such as vehicles or automobiles, use of compost rather than chemical fertilizers, denying of pesticides and insecticides, altering drainage from the main sources of wate like pond, well, brooks, gorges, rivers, seas, rivulets, afforestation and so on. Partciularly, in Nepal systematic town planning in urban areas and systematic development constructions minimizing defforestation is positive steps for resisting green house effects. Scientists must figure out alternative sources of power like wind turbine, wave turbine, soalr panel to replace overconsumption of non-renewable natural resources i.e. petroleum products and citizens as well as politicians collaboratively ought to respect Montreal Protocol or SAVE THE GREEN PLANET. 
To sum up, we shoud use car pulls, public transport, electric car that are environemtally friendly. Humans have to be aware of green issues. Humankind is advised to heed a science-novelist Karel Capek’s notion “ If we fail to take decisive action, if we fail to bring about fundamental changes in our ways of thinking and doing politics, we just might sink and drown. At least for the sake of sinking, drowning and evanescing humanity let us abnegate greediness, short-sightedness, and colossal stupidity against nature as the best solutions of our surrounding pollution for not being the extinct like dinosour from the earth.

Submission by 
Amar Limbu
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
Qualification-M.A. in English Literature
Contact No- 9803685286

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