Wednesday, 21 December 2011


ike me, most of the students who are pursuing their higher studies in the Kathmandu valley are job holders. They have a hectic life. Amidst them some are doing job to pursue their higher studies whereas some are doing job to stand on their own feet. Whatever the reason they are working for, at present students have been found to heap solution paper, guess papers, guides, short notes instead of purchasing textbooks and reading it thoroughly. They completely rely on such books which prove that students are prone to earn degrees not to attain knowledge. Many a student wants to score high marks by spending a short time of duration inasmuch as they don't have enough time to prepare for their exams. On account of their job, students have been getting into the habit of cramming all night.
        No differences can be drawn between those who attend the colleges regularly and those who just go to colleges twice or thrice a year for admission, submission of exam forms, mark-sheet and exam card. Nowadays the culture of earning degrees without attending classes has been developed. This is due to availability of solution books, guess papers, guides and easy access to internet in urban areas. In the past such materials were not easily available in the market. Students had to visit different libraries in pursuit of needy materials. They were hard working. But such books have created problems in student's life as the books are poorly proofread and edited.
          The students who sit their final exams without attending lectures pass exams leniently have been found to be boasting of results. Such trend disheartens those who study and prepare throughout the year for securing good marks, and make them agonize over whether to pursue higher degree in country or abroad. Mainly job holder students have been victim of such erroneous, unduly edited books. Some lecturers and professors who have not updated their notes for long time have been authoring various non-standard books. How can a lecturer impart quality education who himself has earned a degree by reading less qualitative, non-standard books which cover only one-fourth of the course coverage? This is what makes us feel how careless and insensible our lecturers/professors are.

       As an English teacher, I always correct errors myself when I go through a piece of writing, but such errors confuse those who are not conversant with English grammar.
The books that are published in our country are in sharp contrast to the books that are published or produced abroad. It has put negative impact on readers' mind, so books authored by foreigners have won the heart of Nepali readers, for it is error-free, precise, standardization, well-edited. If our writers, publications are imbued with a feeling of correctness and standardization of a book, their works shall be able to envisage minimizing the potential errors of readers. Magazines, corpuses of prominent authors, newspapers are the main sources through which a reader can learn a lot as to grammar, use of typical words, language etc.

The Chief Editor

This article was published on 20th of December, 2011.

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