Monday, 21 November 2011


the raindrops usually silent in the mid air creats rowdy sound after hittin the hard cemented floor outside my room.the agressive Eminem singing Spacebound on the background.the man-made rainbow of umbrellas down d narrow street along the screech of tires of the passing those vexed fools who walked from their homes widout the rain protective gears during this downpour season r runnin hard n meanwhile hitting the puddles wid their boots n producing a powerful sound right beneath their nose.1 of my neighbours a grl staring dejectedly at the rain outta her 10th grader brother askin me futile questions n i imperviously concentrating over the sudden wave of thoughts surfacing my head n the sound of my fingers briskly rushing over the keypad wid the fear of the prose annihilation into thin air.n the intense feel of my pounding heart over my right ear infected after two piercings performed at once.these r the sounds around my world that makes me feel alive allows me to be a part of it n makes an agnostic like me to thank God for letting me feel it all n for letting out a huge sigh of relief. (sory guys i have not used commas capital words orany punctuation words n the grammars may sumwhr b incorrect.rory 4 d troubles caused.u kno nobody is perfect)

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